Working Hard for Manville

The Manville Democrats are proud to serve our community. We are committed to hosting programs and events that benefit all residents and encourage others to join us in volunteering.

Manville's 2025 Reorganization Meeting

Pattie Zamorski was sworn in as Manville's newest Councilwoman during the annual reorg meeting on January 4, 2025. With family and friends at her side, and in the gallery, the oath of office was delivered by NJ Democratic Committee Vice Chairwoman Peg Shaffer. We look forward to Pattie working hard for Manville.

Manville Food Pantry

Every month you can find members of the Manville Democrats volunteering at the Manville Food Pantry at Faith in Action Church. After Ida, we saw the impact food insecurity was having in our community. Partnering with the Manville Relief Center, we worked to bring the pantry to town in partnership with the Food Bank Network of Somerset County and Faith in Action Church. We are proud to provide groceries and other necessities to residents and families each month.

School Supply Drives

For the last two years, the Manville Democrats have hosted a school supply drive that provides students with the supplies they need to start their school year. Thanks to the generosity of the community and partners, we have seen donations grow, allowing us to serve more families and students.

Safety & Security Community Event

In partnership with the Manville Police Department, we invited Sheriff Russo to meet with residents to discuss safety and security in our community. Topics included how to keep your home safe, personal safety while out and about, and how to avoid internet and other scams. Future events will include self-defense for women and school safety.

Hurricane Preparedness Event with the Red Cross

We were proud to invite the Red Cross to town to educate residents on being prepared for the next storm. There were programs for adults and children. Even the youngest kids were able to join in learning about safety and visiting with a therapy dog. We look forward to doing this again, so all residents have a chance to be prepared.

Hosted the First Town PRIDE Event

In 2021, after multiple unsuccessful attempts to convince the mayor and council to join us, we held “Manville Celebrates Pride” at the Manville Public Library. We celebrated LGBTQ literature with readings from selected works by members of the community and businesses. It was a small step in beginning to celebrate the diversity that is Manville, and we hope to bring more events to town in the future.

Food Bank Drive/Partnership with Manville Relief Center

To support Manville families, we hosted a food drive for the Food Bank Network of Somerset County. In addition, we volunteered with the Manville Relief Center to deliver holiday meals to families in need.

Community Support After Ida

After Ida, members of the Manville Democrats went into action across town to support residents. Our Chair, Roberta Walters ran the emergency animal shelter at the High School. Jessica Nichols started the Manville Relief Center and could be found with much-needed supplies and groceries almost daily in the library parking lot. Every member of our committee volunteered, whether it was helping neighbors clean up, donating much-needed supplies, or helping at the animal and human shelters. Christine Sokoloski even joined CERT and completed training to continue helping our community. We were proud to do our part to help those affected by the storm and its aftermath.

Hosting a Public Forum on the Sewer Sale

We are committed to making sure residents are informed about decisions that will have an impact on them. Since they will be voting on the sale of the sewer this November, we felt it was critical to host a public meeting for residents to come to ask questions and hear from NJ American Water on their plan should the referendum pass. The public meeting will be held at the library on Monday, September 18, at 6 pm.