Letter to Democrats in Manville
July 29, 2022
Dear Manville Democrat:
The Manville Democrats are growing, and we are excited at the new energy that comes with new members and new ideas. Recently, we went through reorganization, and seated a new Executive Committee. Roberta G Walters was named Chair and former Councilwoman Pattie Zamorski was named Vice Chair. Rounding out the Executive Committee are Erin Risch Treasurer, Christine Sokoloski Secretary, and Chris Basista Communications Chair.
We currently have nine of our fourteen committee seats filled, and we continue to encourage volunteers and members of the community to join us. Our goals are simple: (1) to understand the issues impacting our community and work to address those at the local, county and state level, (2) to engage with our community and develop initiatives promoting civic engagement and good government while staying focused on our democratic principles, (3) to be active and supportive of our community and (4) to identify candidates who will reflect strong Democratic values and principles.
Change begins with electing Democrats here in Manville.
Having strong elected officials for Council and Mayor is critical. Our first step is to encourage all voters to get out and vote this November. Casting a ballot for your democratic candidates is the most important thing you can do. Second, is to get involved. Fill an empty committee seat, volunteer at a political or community event or even donate money or time. No action is too small. By working together, we can build a stronger Democratic Party, we can be competitive in challenging the Republicans and we can bring the change Manville desperately needs.
Getting involved is the best way to start. By working together, we can build a stronger Democratic Party, we can be competitive in challenging the Republicans and we can bring the change Manville desperately needs.
Count Me In!! How Can I Get Involved??
- Sign Up for our newsletter (below)
- Follow us on Social Media: ManvilleDemocrats on Facebook, Instagram, and ManvilleDems on TikTok.
- Attend our monthly meetings, fundraisers, and community events
- Get involved. We have many ways you can volunteer and help with community and political events
- Donate money. Campaigns are expensive and we need funds to reach voters, even a small donation helps
- Run for Office. Consider running for County Committee, Council or Mayor
- Promote and Share events and social media posts to your friends and family
- Take our updated survey and tell us what is important to you
As we continue to expand and improve the Manville Democratic Club, we hope you will join us. To learn more, please visit www.manvilledemocrats.org. You can sign up for our newsletter, take our survey, and even donate right on the website. You may also contact us directly at contact@manvilledemocrats.org with any questions or for more information.
Thank you for your support and we are excited for you to join us.
Roberta G Walters, Chair
Pattie Zamorski, Vice-Chair
Christopher Basista, Communications Chair
Erin Risch, Treasurer
Christine Sokoloski, Secretary