Want to get involved with local politics?

Want to help bring change to Manville?

Want to give back to your community?

The Manville Democrats are looking for individuals who are interested in running for Borough Council for the 2025 election.
What is a Borough Councilperson?

Borough Council members represent Manville through passing resolutions and ordinances, maintaining a budget, promoting public safety, and ensuring the well-being of all residents. Borough Council members serve a term of three years. There are two seats up for election during the General election this November.

What are the responsibilities of a Borough Council Member?
  • Council members are responsible for the operations of all functions of the borough's government including planning for the future, enacting ordinances, establishing local tax rates, approving the budget, and providing oversight of the current needs of the community.
  • Council members are also responsible for overseeing hiring and personnel
  • Attend all Council and assigned Committee meetings
  • Ensure that all residents of Manville are represented
What's in it for me -- Why should I do this?
  • You will have a voice in local politics and influence priorities in your community
  • You will gain a sense of community by being involved and helping others
  • You will take pride knowing you are part of a team working to better Manville for all residents
  • You will build camaraderie through participation in events and activities at the Borough, County and State level
What are the requirements?
  • You must be a registered voter and registered Democrat
  • You must live at your address for at least one year by election day
  • You must be willing to support and be engaged in your community
How do I get started?
  • It's easy, complete the brief questionnaire to let us know you are interested. We will reach out and provide you all the help you need to get involved.
  • If you have any questions, please email us at contact@manvilledemocrats.org

Questionnaire to Get Involved

Please complete the following questions. If you have any questions, please contact us at contact@manvilledemocrats.org.

Fields with (*) are required.

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Please enter your name.
Please enter your address.
Please enter your email address.
Please enter your phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Please enter how long you lived in Manville.
Please make a selection.
Please make a selection.
Please tell us more about your interests.
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
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